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lotus flower in pond spiritual yoga philosophy executive wellness leadership wellbeing

balrāj | now

march 2024

current offerings


In his private work, Balrāj Persaud helps leaders better manage their emotions to be more effective under pressure. In July 2024, he published an article outlining a yogic perspective on leadership wellbeing & emotional management.​​ To see if his services may be a fit for your needs, take a look at who Balrāj works with.


Balrāj offers teachings in yoga philosophy and existential phenomenology and will be available for talks and workshops in March 2025. In September 2024, Balrāj delivered a workshop-style talk to a group of 25-30 senior-level government bureaucrats at a provincial government ministry in Canada, entitled, “An Introduction to Mindfulness”. If you would like to inquire about booking Balrāj for your event, please email [email protected] with your event details and objectives. Balrāj can then schedule a time to discuss if/how he might be able to help. 

For media or press inquiries, please email [email protected] with your request and relevant details.


Please feel free to contact us with any questions.

current activities

Balrāj has written a guide to spiritual yoga. This guide is meant for those who want to understand the basic philosophy and practice(s) of yoga without any “technical” language. In this guide, he answers such questions as, what is yoga actually about? What is yoga intended to accomplishIn what sense is it “spiritual”? How can yoga reduce my “suffering” and make my life better? The philosophy he outlines in this guide underlies everything we do here at, including helping influential leaders become more effective and valuable.

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this page was inspired by Derek Sivers.

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